In the many years that I have been teaching, dance way before yoga, I have heard some pretty funny names… A lot of them directed at me! Most of them compliments and kind words and some, not so much. Since teaching yoga, “yoga natzi” has been the most popular one Ha!
I’ve also heard; stef the pirate, yoga sergeant, yoga nerd, yoga queen, the archeologist of yoga, stef the geek… But the best one I’ve ever heard was at the turn of this new year! First class of the year to be exact, the early morning of January 2nd. Arriving near an hour before the start of class; no school traffic really helped. I quietly sat crossed legged in a corner armchair, phone in hand, reading some article. A tourist man, guest staying where I offer class, was the first to show up. Mat under his arm ready to start the new year on the right foot. He sees me and smiles.
Stef : Good morning! Are you joining us for class?
There is a long pause… I feel as though he is sussing me out.
Dwayne : Are you the teacher?
Stef : Yes! (with my biggest smile).
Another long pause…
Stef : Is everything alright?
Well let’s just say, that almost a month later, I am still laughing! With narrow eyes, this man finally answers…
Dwayne : I’m not sure.
Stef : Not sure? Why?
Dwayne : Because you look like a small, quiet, assassin. And i’m a little nervous.
LOL. I literally laughed out loud!
Stef : Sir, you don’t even know me, how could you say that?
Dwayne : Just a feeling I have… You are very cute and small, but somehow I feel I should be sacred.
Stef : Sir, I promise you I’m not! Small; yes! Quiet; no! And assassin; not yet! I have never once used my “#” death by yoga!
I managed to convince him to stay for class, and he was delighted he joined. But as he was leaving he turned…
Dwayne : I knew I was right. You are a small quiet assassin. I’ll see you next Tuesday!
Sitting in my car later I was still laughing and thinking that was the best thing I ever got called. He didn’t know me in the least and somehow nailed it on the head! I am seriously considering printing that on a T-shirt.
As I move through the years, deepening my knowledge of yoga and improving my teaching skills, I don’t mind the name calling as long as it has to do with my attention to detail and that and that I see everything. Even that little baby toe at the back of your mat who refuses to press down, I will see it.
Getting on your yoga mat is very important, but once you are on it we will talk about how to align yourself and your breath. Union is key and I will forever be there to remind you. If you just want to lay down and pray I ignore you, please take the restorative class. If you want to move your body and challenge yourself and hope I correct you and support you, then please join any class you wish. As much as I love dancing and sometimes even miss teaching dance, This however is not a creative dance class. It is not a free for all. I am concerned about your safety and health, and I will do my job in following your yoga journey and giving a few corrections along the way and make you try things you never thought you would. I am here for you for the long game. So please, continue to call me a “yoga Natzi” or even a “small quiet assassin”.