Barbados is a pretty small island, and you can easily get around it in one day, or even an afternoon if you really wanted to! There are so many reasons to get up, get dressed and go do it :
1- hang out with friends & family
2- the love of road trips
3- good music and amazing sights
4- discovering the island and finding new spots
5- sight seeing & playing tourists
6- stopping for swims at different beaches and caves
7- drinking rum
8- packing a cooler
9- rum shop crawl
10- meeting new people
This is only to name a few… I’m pretty sure if I did a survey, I would probably have another 100 reasons why we love island tours and why it should be added to your to do list.
Sometimes we have a plan & route in mind and know where we are going and stopping. And sometimes we don’t… have no clue and no plan! We just get in the truck and drive! Lick our index finger, stick it in the wind and see where it takes us. I must say, those are the best and my favourite!!! We have found hidden spots and discovered all these new roads. We get lost and love it. We sometimes bring our dogs and let them run free, we sometimes bring our kids and sing out loud the whole damn day!
1- a change of clothes.
2- a swim suit, or two
3- towels
4- a packed cooler with drinks, rum and snacks. Party cups!
5- ICE! lots of ice!!
6- vex money
7- a wicked 6 hour playlist (mine is about 8)
8- the waze app, just in case 😉
9- toilet paper & wipes and hand sanitiser
10- wear something comfy and cool
11- don’t forget your sunblock and shades
Cars are great for ridding around all day, but they will limit you to the main roads. The beauty about having a big ass truck, is that you can go anywhere!! And that is amazing! Screw the main roads and beaten trails… get off them and go everywhere. It is SO much fun! Having a sweet truck with ac is great, it keeps you cool … but there is something about having the windows down as you drive along the coast that just makes life better! And if you have a truck with a tray, well most times, we grab cushions and end up in the back 🙂 just keep it safe! So grab your bestie, your brother, your neighbour or your whole family and go for a drive!
My favourite thing about this little rock is that all four coasts look different, it can feel like you’re somewhere else. South coast is super sweet, more action, more people, fun beaches… West coast, is erie calm, lush greens and skinny palm trees, perfect turquoise beach and white sands. East coast, all atlantic waters, very rugged, untouched, sparsely populated with the best surf! North of the island, cliffs as far as you can see, where the atlantic meets the Caribbean, all country, amazing people (well, thats everywhere!) secret spots, total different vegetation… So basically, when you drive from coast to coast and see everything in between, everywhere looks different and incredible, so it really makes your day amazing! And later, when you look at all your pictures, it looks like you have been on 4 different islands 😉 … from gorgeous west coast villas, to picturesque chattel houses. From beach front fancy restos, to jungle rum shops!! From St-Philip to St-Peter or Christ Church to St-Lucy, there is something for everyone! It just never gets boring… and don’t get me started on the beaches, that will be for my next story 😉