i’m happy to say i have a new man in my life… and his name is kevin! He is so handsome. i would even describe him as majestic. He loves seducing me, and he’s really good at it!

If you are lucky enough to go hang out at Sweetfield Manor, you will probably see him there roaming around the grounds. He’s incredibly social and still a bit shy. So yes, you will be distracted by his beauty, but please do not run or make any sudden movements!! He loves getting his picture taken, and always hangs out before and after class. i am so lucky to have him.

You probably saw the movie UP! who hasn’t?? Remember when the little guy found the rare bird, and thought it was a boy and named him Kevin… to later find out Kevin was a girl 😉

After meeting the beautiful creature with no name, we decided to name him Kevin, as he makes the same sound as the bird in the movie!!

So when you come and take class on the deck, you will see him and his friends! they are all so gorgeous.

The other day, a student and i were chatting after class…

student : stef, you know your life is pretty great!

me : really?? why is that?

student : well, you either work at the beach or here! (here being Sweetfield Manor)

me : you’re absolutely right!! i work at Pebbles Beach almost everyday, which is one of the most beautiful beaches ever… and other days, i spend them here on the grounds of the Manor with the most breathtaking view… and i get to hang out with Kevin all the time.

student : yeah!! stop bragging!! some of us work in offices with no view! so please shut up!

me : *yoga giggles

I’ve been working at the beach for a few years now… i’m sitting at my favourite pic nick table at Pebbles writing this as we speak! Pebbles being just down the road from Sweetfield Manor! So basically my whole life is within a 2km radius… it’s pretty cool!

If you have the chance to check them out, do it! If you are able to go and visit, go faster! It’d pretty incredible up there. It’s the perfect little hidden gem.

Teaching yoga is so much fun, and teaching yoga outside with the best view is even better. Don’t get me wrong, i love my studio and wouldn’t change it, but it’s pretty fun to go down there a few times a week.

I have taught a few events there, and have had loads of fun! We have had yoga events on the grounds, and on the deck… followed by wine tasting and a cartwheel competition! and also had a house party! yoga in the house, followed by great music and wine on the gallery. And more to come!

So feel free to come join me… on the deck, rolling around on the grass, meet Kevin and have a swim in the lagoon pool. See you soon!